MacWorld 1997 November
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Yadora-nicknames readme
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Yadora-nicknames by Andrew Starr (but John Delacour provided the crucial parts
of the script on how to script Eudora nicknames.)
This is UNSUPPORTED. Please do not e-mail me. You might be able to get help from
comp.mail.eudora.mac and/or comp.sys.mac.comm (Netiquette: choose one group, the
other, or do a true cross-post to both. Don't post one message to one group and
then a separate message to the other.)
YA-Newswatcher 2.4.0
Eudora (Pro 3.1 or Light 3.1 or above recommended; haven't tested it on 1.x or 2.x)
This script takes the frontmost YA-Newswatcher message and lets you make a
Eudora nickname from the From: line.
It is not all that fancy, nor error proof, and could mess up your Eudora address books.
Backup your address book files.
Running Yadora-nicknames:
1) Have a Usenet post open
2) Run the script (put it in your Apple Menu or in OSA Menu, etc.)
3) First time the script runs, it will ask you to point it to a nickname file.
This is the nickname file that Yadora-nicknames will add new nicknames to.
If you use Eudora Pro, you can have additional address book files. For Eudora
Light you are limited to "Eudora Nicknames" which should be located in the Eudora
Folder in your System Folder (unless you have moved the Eudora Folder). If you
use Eudora Pro, the extra nickname files are in a further subdirectory in the
Eudora Folder in your System Folder (unless you moved the Eudora Folder.)
4) Enter the nickname you wish to use.
5) If nickname exists, you can add to it, replace it, or cancel.
6) Yadora asks you to edit the address into username@domain.xxx form. Actually,
you could leave it in the form it was in, such as: "username@domain.com (Real Name)"
and later edit it in Eudora to put "Real Name" in the name field in the address book.
But this is your chance to edit out any anti-spam parts of the address
(i.e. "usernameREMOVETHISTOREPLY@domain.com" can be edited to username@domain.com)
Note that you can set YA-Newswatcher to import a particular Eudora address book
file. It does this every time you start YA-Newswatcher; thus your new nicknames
(or extra/replacement addresses to existing nicknames) won't be available to
YA-NW until you next start it. Meanwhile, if you set this option in YA-NW to
the extra address book file you created in Eudora Pro, or to your main address book
in Eudora Light, you will truly have a two way address book in YA-NW!
Method of resetting nickname file to which it points:
Run Yadora-nicknames script while you don't have a message open in YA-NW.
Yadora-nicknames will then ask if you wish to quit or reset the nickname file.
If you choose reset, Yadora-nicknames will quit, but the next time you run it
it will let you pick a new nickname file.
If you have multiple users of Eudora on your machine, you should be able to make
a copy of the Yadora-nicknames script and have it point to a different address book
file. Make sure Eudora is running under that person's Eudora settings file when
running their copy of the Yadora-nicknames script so that Eudora can find the
correct address book file to add nicknames to. (When Yadora-nicknames script asks
you to find an address book file, it does not store the path; it just gets the
name.) I have not tried this.
Note: You can fix mistakes in the Eudora address book, or open that file as a text
file and delete stuff that messes up Eudora.
(Not Eudora's fault, but the fault of us who mess with the address book files externally!)
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limited to lost profits, lost data, direct of consequential damages of any nature.